25 January 2025


Spanning over 28 years of commercial enterprise, a journey touched by variety, woven with creativity and nurtured by technology…


and coffee.

Development History

Sites I have been a part of

In no particular order, a comprehensive, but not exhaustive list of websites that I have either created, built from design or maintained and edited over a two and a half year web development career.

Custom WordPress theme build uniquely designed and taylored for the motor sport industry.

Custom WordPress theme build from design. Featuring many flexible layouts with ACF and a Bootstrap responsive framework. Optional widget areas and slider and banner customisation.

Built from a very stylised original design, this WordPress theme features extensive customised backend options enabling the creation of many differnet page elements

Wireframe, design and build. Custom WordPress theme specifically taylored for the client

Garden Style Plant Centre


Build from design. Custom WordPress theme specifically taylored for the client with trade registration and login to private pages.

Tactic Communications

Currently unavailable

Custom WordPress theme Designed and built from ground up, featuring filtered posts and versitle ACF custom options.

MTLS Literary Scouts


Special, responsive, custom WordPress one page theme. Juiced up to the max with smooth animations and SEO optimised.

Server migration, bug fixing, maintenance and custom templates.

Show More Development History

Note: Some links to sites may change or become unrelated over time.