25 January 2025

Produce of Pondering Verse Mongers

A means of understanding the intricacies of the human condition. This book represents the turmoil of emotion that accompanies the ride, reveals truths about what it means to be alive. The author delves deep into his own psyke, sharing his experiences. Hidden within metaphor and simile are keys to a brain fed on dreams of a brighter future topped with a sprinkle of faith in humanity.

Available on Amazon

Produce of Pondering Verse Mongers: Volume 2 (The Jounals of a Juvnor)

  • Paperback : 58 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 148486722X
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1484867228
  • Product Dimensions : 13.97 x 0.36 x 21.59 cm

The Utopian Fool dreams of a world united in their passions. Driven by a deep desire to understand the human condition. Inquisitive about the Universe we live in. Believer in the power of imagination.


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